To access Gale Academic OneFile:
- Go to the Online Library
- Click "Article Databases"
- Scroll down to "Academic OneFile" and click
- Log in with your SUNY Empire username and password
Basic Search
As soon as you log in, you are at the Basic Search page. In the search box, you can enter your article title, author or the keywords you have chosen for your topic.
Basic Search Tips:
- Put quotation marks around a phrase so that ebrary knows to search those words as one unit rather than separately.
- Use AND between keywords to search for books containing both terms.
- Use OR between keywords to search for books containing either term.
You can also use the checkboxes beneath the search box to:
- Limit your search results to ones with full-text in this database. Be cautious about doing this because you might be able to find those articles in our other databases.
- Limit your search to peer reviewed (scholarly) articles.
- Limit your search to articles with images. This is useful if you're looking for a chart or graph or a photograph of a person, event or phenomenon.
Advanced Search
To get to Advanced Search, click the Advanced Search link underneath the Basic Search Box.
- Pull-down menus at the far left let you choose to join keywords in those boxes with AND, OR or NOT.
- Pull-down menus immediately to the right of the search boxes let you choose what field you want to search for your keywords. Choices include:
- Keyword - searches the author, title, subject terms, and abstract.
- Entire Document - searches all of that, plus the full-text of the article.
- Subject - searches for your terms in the database's controlled vocabulary.
- Author - self-explanatory.
- Checkboxes allow you to limit your search to:
- Full-text articles.
- Peer reviewed articles.
- Documents that have images.
- Other features:
- You can limit your search to documents published within a certain date range. It is set to All Dates by default. The boxes where you put in the date range only appear once you click Before, On, After or Between.
- You can also search by document type, publication subject, and Lexile measure.
- There is a special Publication Title search box at the bottom to use if you want to search the article title.
Results List
The search results are listed below the search parameters/limiters and organized with the most recent ones first. If there is more than one page of search results, you can click arrows at the top and bottom of the page to go through the pages of results.
- At the top of the column on the right of the page, you can limit your results to only full-text, only peer-reviewed, or only documents with images.
- Above that, you have options to limit your results by subject, document type (article, book review, biography, etc.) or journal title.
- Underneath the title it tells you what kind of document it is (book review, article, report, etc.)
- Click the title to get to the article information.
Viewing An Article
- Once a title is clicked you will see the result with options:
- Ability to cite in different formats (be sure to double check citation format as citation generators are a good starting point but may have some errors), send to Google Drive, OneDrive or Email, download, print, get Permalink or highlight and take notes.
- Accessibility options: translate the document, increase or decrease font size, display options including Open Dyslexic, and speech to text.
Similar options to # 1.
Similar results that might assist with related subjects and articles.