Films On Demand is a database of documentaries, educational videos and news footage. It does not contain Hollywood-style movies. Highly desirable items include the works of Ken Burns as well as other PBS programs, selected TED talks, CNBC political footage, the Biography Channel and films from the American Museum of Natural History.
If you know the title of the film or film segment that you are searching for, the search box at the top of the Films On Demand homepage is your best option.
If you want to search for a film but you don't know its exact title, or you want to find a film on a particular topic, try Advanced Search. You can get to it by clicking the Advanced Search link under the search box on the Films On Demand homepage. Once at Advanced Search:
Another way to find a video on your topic is to browse by subject area. To get to subject areas go to the menu on the top left of the screen shown as three black vertical bars and click on the menu. You will see a list of subject areas, popular categories and featured producers.
Once you click on a subject area you will be taken to a results list page. Here you can further narrow these results and filter by full, segmented, or all titles, Types of results such as documentary film or lecture and interview, copyright date and producer.
In your Films On Demand results list:
Film Information Page
In addition to the same features found on the main results page "Share" and "Add to", there is a "Cite" icon. The Citation icon underneath the video lets you copy and paste a properly formatted citation of the video in MLA, APA, or Chicago Style.
3. Click Segments to create custom segments
To play a video, click on it. There are controls to pause, move forward and back, turn closed captions on and off, expand the video to fill the whole screen, and adjust the volume. There is also a time code that says how many minutes and seconds into the video you are, and how long the video is in total.
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