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How To Use Films On Demand: Your Films On Demand Account

Your Films On Demand Account

You will need to have Films On Demand account and be signed into it in order to add videos and video segments to Playlists or to your Favorites. The Films On Demand account is separate from the university login and password that you used to get into the database.

Click the "Your Profile" link at the top right of the page. Then fill in the information it asks for and click Login.

From now on, click "Your Profile" at the top right corner of the screen and enter your Films On Demand username and password as soon as you log in to the database.


Your Playlists

In our experience, and judging from Films On Demand's VPAT, if you need to use a screenreader and want to add a video to Favorites or a Playlist, these functions are inadequately supported. Please use Ask A Librarian to contact Sarah Morehouse at the library ASAP and I will create you a Films On Demand account, create a playlist or favorites folder, and put whatever videos or segments you want into it. I know this is not a good solution, but it's what's possible right now. 


You need to be logged into your Films On Demand account to edit or create playlists.

Playlists are used to collect videos and video segments that you want to save for later or share with others. You can have multiple playlists.

Playlists are especially useful for faculty who want students to watch multiple videos or video segments. You can create a playlist for a course, or even for each module of a course. You could also create playlists on a certain topic. 


To get to your playlists, first you have to be logged in. Then go to the top right and click the person icon and click My Content. 



1. In the My Content page you have access to all of your folders including favorites, playlists and class folders.

Showing the My Content page on Films on Demand

2a. Click on any Folder to see the content within that folder. Use the dropdown menu on the righthand side to complete actions like delete, move and share.


2b. Click "Share" in the dropdown menu to share via email or receive an embed/link URL to share with others.Films on Demand Screenshot of the within folders view on your profile page. There is an option to share the item within a folder via email or embed/link.

Adding A Video To A Playlist

You can add a video or video segment to a playlist, favorites or a course from your search results list by clicking the little plus sign icon next to the video.

Screenshot of a Films On Demand video information page. To add an item to a plalist, select Add To and a box appears. The box has two tabs, Add To Favorites, and Add to Playlist. Select Add to Playlist. The box will then have Add Item To Folder pull-down menus. The first one is a pull-down menu of existing folders, with an Add To Folder button. The second is a text field where you enter the name of a folder you want to create, and then you select the button New Folder.

You can also add a video or video segment to a playlist by clicking on the title or segment that you want from your search results list, and then clicking the Add To Playlist button on underneath where the video plays.

Once you've clicked the Add To Playlist button, a dialog box pops up.

  1. Choose whether to add all segments or individual segments.
  2. Choose which playlist to add them to from the pulldown menu and click Add To Playlist, or
  3. Enter a name for a new playlist and click Create New Playlist.

Editing A Playlist

In the My Content page, there is a box on the right in which you can:

  1. Edit the name of the playlist.
  2. Add Playlist Note, which could be a description, summary or other kind of message about the playlist.
  3. After editing the Playlist Information or Playlist Notes, click Save Changes.
  4. See a list of the videos and video segments in the playlist. Buttons at the top allow you to:
    • Delete a video.
    • Move a video higher or lower in the list.
    • Play a video.
  5. Click the Share button if you want to share the playlist URL or embed/get link.

Screenshot of the Films On Demand Edit Playlist page. There is a panel in which the videos and segments of the playlist play, with the usual streaming video controls. The Now Playing tab is the only tab, and it displays the currently playing video's title and information. There are buttons for Save Changes, Preview, and Close out of editing. There is  a text field to edit the Playlist Title and another text field to edit the Playlist Notes. Another text-field is already populated with the Playlist URL. Below that is a text-field already populated with the Playlist Code. Then the different videos and segments that you have added to the playlist can be rearranged by clicking and dragging.


Your Content

In our experience, and judging from Films On Demand's VPAT, if you need to use a screenreader and want to add a video to Favorites or a Playlist, these functions are inadequately supported. Please use Ask A Librarian to contact Sarah Morehouse at the library ASAP and I will create you a Films On Demand account, create a playlist or favorites folder, and put whatever videos or segments you want into it. I know this is not a good solution, but it's what's possible right now. 

You need to be logged into your Films On Demand account in order to access your Content and add videos or video segments. You can organize your Content into folders which may also be known as favorites.

In the My Content page you have access to all of your folders, playlists and course folders.

Creating folders is a way to organize and store videos or video segments that you intend to view later or view again. It is not a way to share groups of videos with others. For that, use Playlists. However, you can always share individual videos and content by clicking through into a folder and sharing that specific video. 

To get to My Content first you have to be logged in. Then click the person icon at the top right of the page. Then click My Content. Go to the My Content heading and see your folders, playlists and course folders.


In the My Favorites page, you have a list of all the videos and video segments you've added to your favorites.

  1. Click on the title of the video or video segment to go to its page.
  2. The Share icon underneath it allows you to email it to someone or get the URL to put in a course.

Screenshot of the Films On Demand My Favorites page. Like a search results page, it has a picture icon for each favorite, its title, which is a hyperlink to its video information page, and icons to preview, share, or delete the video from the favorites folder. There is a Narrow Results menu that lets you select All Folders or individual folders.

Adding A Video Or Video Segment To Your Content

There are two ways to add a video or video segment to your Content.

The first way is from your search results list. Click the Add To icon under the search result that you want. It will bring up a dialogue box in which you can either select a folder you've already created, or create a new folder. 


The second way to add a video or segment to your Favorites is from the video page or video segment page. Click the Add To  link underneath where the video plays to add it to your Content. Again, it will bring up a dialogue box in which you can either select a folder you've already created, or create a new folder.