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How To Use Nexis Uni: Business

LexisNexis Academic is a major database for: 1. business research (company profiles, industry info, etc.) 2. Legal research (cases, statutes, law review articles) 3. Newspapers

Searching for Company Information / Dossier

The best way to locate detailed company information (including financials and the ability to generate reports based on specific criteria) is to click the "Find a Company" button in the lower left, below the search box. This may open a new tab labeled "Find a Company"

Scteen capture of the Nexis Uni search page, with the Find a Company option highlighted.

Company Dossier / Find a Company search page: In the Company Name field, type in the name of a company you want to find a dossier on and click Search. On the results page, select the company you want. 

Here is a view of a company dossier page - notice the "Generate Report" option listed to the right of the top most display of the Company Name:

Screen capture of a Nexis Uni company information /dossier landing page for a company, with menu options on the left and details displayed in the middle of the page.


Find more detailed tutorials using the Dossier company tool tutorials on YouTube (note: some features may differ from what we have)