Signing Into Your My Research Account
You will need to have a ProQuest My Research account and be signed into it in order to save items (articles) and searches. The My Research account is separate from the Empire login and password that you used to get into the database.
If you do not have a My Research account, you can select items, but they will disappear as soon as your session expires or you log out or close the window.
- Click My Research in the blue menu at the top right of the ProQuest screen.
- Click Create a My Research Account.
- Fill in the contact information that it asks for and click Create Account. Then click Go To My Research.
- From now on, click My Research (in the blue menu at the top right of the ProQuest screen) and enter your ProQuest My Research username and password as soon as you log in to the database.
- Whenever you are logged into My Research, it will say your name next to the My Research link in the blue menu at the top of the page.
Selecting Items
Once you are logged into your My Research account, you can save items (articles, etc.) to a folder where they will be kept for you the next time you log in to ProQuest.
- To add an article or other item to your Selected items, put a check in the checkbox next to its title in the search results list.
- In the blue menu bar across the top of the page, will see __ Selected Items. Click that if you want to go to your selected items.
Working With Your Selected Items
Items in your Selected Items folder are not necessarily saved once you have closed the window or logged out. You need to save them to your My Research folder!
Once you have selected items, click the Selected Items link in the blue menu at the top of the page and:
- Select all the items in your folder, or
- Select just certain items in your folder, and then
- Do any of the following:
- Add them to your My Research folder for use at a later time.
- Email them to yourself (or someone else).
- Print them.
- Get properly formatted citations for all of them (you can choose which citation style you want).
Your My Research Folder
If you add your Selected Items to your My Research folder, they will be saved for you after you have closed the window or logged out of the session. You can save them in the All Documents folder or create a folder for a specific topic or assignment.
Remember, you need to be logged into your My EBSCOhost account as well as your college login and password in order to save items for later within EBSCO (this is separate from items pinned in OneSearch).