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Nursing and Allied Health: Theories & Frameworks

Using a Framework

Most scholarly nursing literature is grounded in one or more existing theories or models (these are ways of explaining a phenomena or interaction). This is often done using a theoretical framework (sometimes called a conceptual framework). Such a framework helps to situate your topic, the concepts, theories or models involved, and your own ideas, into the existing knowledge (see tutorial: Difference Between Concepts, Models, and Theories) of that topic. Some of your research assignments will task you with locating theories and using a framework to help "frame" what you write. Below are materials that can help you with that process.


How to quickly search CINAHL Plus with Full-Text for articles that use a framework, model or theory

  1. Go to this set of search results in CINAHL database [it does the following search using Subject Headings: ((MH "Nursing Theory+") or (MH "Conceptual Framework")]
  2. In the search box (you'll see the search words above), click to place your cursor after the existing search words and then type in AND followed by a word or exact phrase that describes your topic. Example((MH "Nursing Theory+") or (MH "Conceptual Framework") AND staffing
  3. Use the options on the left side of the results page to limit by date, etc. (don't use the "Full-text" limit option unless needed as you can access many articles not available in CINAHL, but available in other databases or via inter-library loan, using the Full-Text Finder link).