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Free, Open, and Public Domain Resources: Netflix

Looking for copyright-free text, images, and audio-video to use in your courses? Look no further!


Netflix is a subscription service that allows you to either borrow DVDs, which are delivered to you by mail along with a return envelope, or download video files from your computer or television. The Netflix library includes television shows, documentaries, popular and classic movies and a surprising amount of "indie" or "alternative" content. Subscriptions start at $8.99 per month, and there are no penalties for stopping the service. 

If you want your students to watch content, and that content is available through Netflix, this can be more affordable than having them purchase the content through SUNY Empire's bookstore and more convenient than having them try to locate it through a library or a brick-and-mortar video store. Judging by its popularity, many of your students probably already have a Netflix subscription. The same may be true for Hulu, Prime, Britbox, Paramount Plus, and other subscription streaming services.

Gift subscriptions are available by the month and can be bought in bulk, which may be an important feature for students in need.

Note that video downloads from outside the United States are not currently available.