Aging Populations: East Devonissues surrounding an aging population are examined in this program, using East Devon in the U. K. as a case study
The Great Japanese Retirement2013, with transcripts, 51 min, BBC. In this irreverent and thought-provoking look at Japanese society, reporter Anita Rani travels across the country to investigate how a nation copes when there are simply too many people living to a ripe old age and too few having children.
The Silver Age2001, 16 min. Traditionally, a Japanese household contained an extended family, several generations under one roof. Now, cultural sensibilities and sweeping demographic changes have meant that young and old choose to live apart. This program examines how these factors have affected care of the elderly in a country with the longest-lived population in the world. Seniors discuss the challenge of living alone in a transformed society. Creative new arrangements are seen in a visit to an experimental home that allows friends or family to live for a time with their elderly relatives. A United Nations Production.
UK Elderly Facing "Crisis" that is at Breaking Point2012, 3 min. Britain is an aging population. And as life expectancy increases, so does the cost of care for the elderly. Money the government just doesn't have. Now experts and charities are warning that social care for the elderly is in crisis -- and that the final cost could be the life of many pensioners.