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Writing Effective Learning Outcomes

Learning outcomes are clearly articulated statements of what students will learn. They succinctly describe essential learning to be achieved, and how the learning will be demonstrated.

Verifiable learning outcomes are central to most aspects of teaching and learning at Empire State College. Learning outcomes are used at multiple levels including course, program and college. This Guide offers resources and tips to help the Empire community write effective and measurable learning outcomes, whether at the assignment, course or curriculum level.

Here is a simple formula for creating outcomes:

Objective construction: Students will be able to + action verb + observable knowledge, skill or attitude. Example: Students will be able to summarize the key forces affecting the rise of China as an economic power in the global market.

Video: Creating Learning Outcomes

Description: John Lawless, Associate Dean, shares expertise in creating learning outcomes.  The video will help faculty construct learning outcomes for studies and courses they are revising and/or creating.