In addition to showing you the top results for your search, the results page includes a variety of options for adjusting what is displayed.
A Note on Full-Text
No single library has access to everything. If you see a 'Get It' or 'Search for Availability' link below a result rather than a Full-text one, this usually means it isn't in our collections. However, as long as you are signed into OneSearch (top right in blue stripe) you can click on that link to request the item via inter-library loan. Note: this service is for articles or single book chapters - it is not for entire books. If our library doesn't have a book you need (if it is not found or if there isn't a Full-Text link for it), you may want to consider physically visiting another academic library near you (such as other SUNY or CUNY campus libraries, most of which Empire students have borrowing privileges at).
OneSearch also searches millions and millions of records from dozens of different vendors at the same time. As a result, there are sometimes errors in the metadata and a Full-Text link sometimes may not work. If this happens:
Limit Options
On the left side are Limit Options, including ones for Scholarly/Peer-Reviewed, Publication Date, Resource Type (article, ebook, etc.), and Subject. You can also sort your results. The default is Relevance, which is a formula based roughly on your search words (note that your search words that appear in the title are underlined in yellow). You can re-sort by Date, Title, or Author last name. Once you turn a limit option on, you'll see it listed at the top of the left side under "Active Filters." Click the 'X' to the right of a filter to turn it off or click 'Reset' to turn all filters off.
Results Item Display
Each result shows a variety of information, including resource type (article, ebook, etc.), title, author, date, and other citation details, as well an an indicator, if applicable if it's Peer Reviewed and or Open Access, and a Full-Text link, when available.
To the right of each result some icons are displayed that can include:
Page Options
If not already Signed IN, use your Empire username and password to sign in using the link in the top right (blue stripe area). Doing so will allow you to request articles via inter-library loan, save items for later use, and ensure you have access to all results.
After you sign in, above the first result are 2 options:
Each results page displays 10 results be default (this cannot be changed). In the bottom right is an icon to load more results or change which page of results to view: