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Workshops: 2. Search for Sources

Winter 2024 schedule for Workshop 2: Search for Sources (click 'Register' link below to sign up; login details sent the day before and day of the session): all Workshops go 7 to 8 pm (US EST)


  • Sessions are done for the term but you can work through the non-live content and quiz below.
  • [anytime] If you can't make an online live session, check out the non-live version of Research Workshop 2: Search for Sources (note: involves readings, videos and an online quiz that will together take ~ 90 minutes to complete)

Workshop Description

Library Workshop 2 focuses on search techniques, basic search tool functions and understanding publication types and the process of peer-review.

Learning Objectives: in this workshop you will learn how to...

  • Create several effective search strings in order to ensure search results are relevant and related to your information needs.
  • Articulate how to locate a variety of different kinds of sources using the Online Library.
  • Use reference mining as a supplemental means of identifying reliable sources.
  • Identify and use database results page limit options in order to effectively manipulate results and identify the most relevant sources.