Many of the assignments in this course require the use and incorporation of scholarly articles. In order to aid your research and cite scholarly, peer-reviewed articles you are being asked to complete four (4) self-paced Library Workshops. You are encouraged to take notes to assist you in completing the multiple-choice quiz that is built into this course in which you will have unlimited attempts and time to complete. Do NOT take any of the quizzes located on the Library Workshops pages! The quiz is linked from within this course.
Sharpening research and library skills will increase your confidence and the quality of your work throughout this course. Completing the library workshops will allow you to create a richer, better-researched response to assignments that demonstrates to your reader that you understand what you have read and are able to engage in critical thinking when putting forth logical and thoughtful arguments.
After you have completed the four (4) workshops, go ahead and take the multiple-choice question quiz.
Here are some additional video resources you may find helpful (all include captions):