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Asian/Asian American/Asian Diaspora Primary Sources
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History: Asian/Asian American/Asian Diaspora Primary Sources
History, from ancient to modern, including American history.
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Primary Sources by region
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Multi-region history primary sources (check here first)
African history primary sources
Asian history primary sources
Australia, New Zealand, and Pacific Islands history primary sources
European (including Russia) history primary sources
Latin America and Caribbean history primary sources
Middle Eastern and North African history primary sources
US and Canada history primary sources
Primary Sources by marginalized identity
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African/African Diaspora/African American Primary Sources
Asian/Asian American/Asian Diaspora Primary Sources
Disability and Neurovariant Primary Sources
Hispanic/Latinx Primary Sources
Indigenous/Aboriginal/Native American/First Nations Primary Sources
Jewish, Roma, and other historically or currently stateless/displaced/disasporic peoples Primary Sources
LGBTQ Primary Sources
Women's Primary Sources
Primary Sources by era
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Prehistoric (paleolithic, neolithic as well as bronze and iron age cultures that left no written record) primary sources
Ancient and Classical era primary sources
Medieval through Renaissance history primary sources
Pre-colonial history primary sources
Early Modern/Colonization Period history primary sources
The Long Nineteenth Century/Late Colonization history primary resources
Era of the Two World Wars and Interwar Period history primary sources
Cold War, Decolonization, and Early Globalization history primary sources
Post-Cold War and Later Globalization history primary sources
African/African Diaspora/African American Primary Sources
Disability and Neurovariant Primary Sources >>