Mapping Indigenous Presence: North Scandinavian and North American Perspectives by Kathryn W. Shanley (Editor); Bjørg Evjen (Editor); S. James Anaya (Foreword by)
Mapping Indigenous Presence presents a set of comparativeIndigenous studies essays with contemporary perspectives, attesting tothe importance of the roles Indigenous people have played as overseersof their own lands and resources, as creators of their own culturalrichness, and as political entities capable of governing themselves.This interdisciplinary collection explores the Indigenous experience ofS#65533;mi peoples of Norway and Native Americans of Montana in theirrespective contexts--yet they are in many ways distinctlydifferent within the body politic of their respective countries.Although they share similarities as Indigenous peoples withinnation-states and inhabit somewhat similar geographies, their culturesand histories differ significantly.
ISBN: 9780816531523
Publication Date: 2015-05-14