Your list of full citations starts on a new page at the end of your paper (continue page numbering from paper body), with the title: References, centered one inch from the top. Basic tips:
- Every source cited in your text should point to an entry in your References, and vice versa.
- Entries are alphabetized by author last name (or organization if applicable, or if anonymous, by title, skipping initial articles like A, An) and aligned left.
- Hanging Indent is used for each entry (2nd and subsequent lines for each entry indented 0.5 inches). Also see: Create a Hanging Indent in Word.
- All text is double-spaced, same as the rest of the paper.
- Author names: last name first; first, and if available, middle initials follow (Kirk, J. T.).
- Articles, webpages, book chapters, and other short works that are part of a greater whole: capitalize ONLY the first letter of the first word in the title and subtitle, as well as proper nouns (Trade between North Korea and China: Firm-level analysis).
- Title of stand-alone works like journals (and journal volume number), websites or web pages or book in italics, but capitalized normally (Journal of American History).
- Location for online sources: use a DOI, if available (e.g., many journal articles from the library), otherwise use a URL for web sites and pages.
- For journal articles and other sources located in a library database and without a DOI available, do not include a URL.
Example of a journal article from an online database in the library (note: hanging indent not shown here but must be included):
DeCamp, W., and Christopher F. (2017, February). The impact of degree of exposure to violent video games, family background, and other factors on youth violence. Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 46(2), 388-400. doi:10.1007/s10964-016-0561-8.