Education and human development in the context of education. Theories of learning and instruction. Science, social science, and cultural issues related to education.
Create and share Open Educational Resources, and rate, recommend, and use the ones created and shared by others. There are many that align with Common Core standards. K-12.
Curriculum materials sorted for Grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12, and within those categories, sorted for Science, English, Social Studies, and Math. You can also search specifically for Lesson Plans, Worksheets, Learning Adventures, or Brain Boosters. K-12.
Kathy Schrock is an educational technologist who has selected and evaluated a vast number of resources on all topics related to the practical side of teaching, especially teaching with technology.
Thousands of high quality instructional videos and practice exercises on all topics. There is also a personal learning dashboard (which differs, depending on whether your role is teacher or student.) They are a non-profit and their motto is "For free. For everyone. Forever." K-16.
A platform for creating, editing, and sharing Open Educational Resources on all topics, for all grade levels, and also for rating, reviewing, modifying, and using the OERs created by others. You can sign up to be a peer reviewer, and some of the OERs are formally peer reviewed. K-16.