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Library Toolbox for Faculty and Staff

The library offers several learning opportunities and embeddable objects for students to improve their research and information literacy skills:

For non-library learning, Academic Support provides tutors and workshops


Student Workshops

Online, hands-on research workshops, with video and text tutorials, hands-on practice exercises, and auto-graded quizzes.


How to Integrate Workshop(s) Participation into Your Course

Do you have students who could benefit from participating in a hands-on, online library workshop they can take from the comfort of their home? Send them to our Library Workshops Information Page to explore.

There are different workshops that focus on a specific topics:

  1. Formulating and narrowing a research topic
  2. Finding and working with scholarly and other types of sources
  3. Search techniques and search results tools
  4. Citing with APA (including an intro to paraphrasing)

We provide sample text below, which you can edit as needed to let your students know they need to fill out the post-workshop survey in order to get credit (and it reinforces the learning).

We will email the you the names of students who successfully participated in the workshop and completed the survey. Students must include their name and their instructor on the survey.


Library Workshop(s) as Assignment

You can use student completion of a workshop quiz as a required or extra credit assignment. The library can work with you to embed a quiz directly into a course.


Embeddable Text for Assigning a Workshop (customize as needed)

Steps to take a hands-on, online library workshop:

  1. Go to the library workshops webpage [if directing students to take a specific workshop, change the link to that page].
  2. Work through the videos and text materials, and hands-on practice exercises.
  3. Complete the workshop quiz. [best practice is to have the quiz directly in the course. The library can help you do that so it is added to the course grade book. Otherwise, students can take the quiz version linked at the bottom of each workshop page, which will generate a Certificate of Completion, which can then be emailed to you or downloaded and submitted in a course.]


Email the library if you have any questions about this program, strategies for embedding the workshops or any information literacy content, or have ideas to improve or integrate library services and resources into your teaching.