You must have a Sage Journals account and be signed into it in order to be able to save, print, or email articles to yourself in batches.
The Sage Journals account is separate from the Empire login and password that you used to get into the database.
If you do not have a Sage Journals account, you can mark citations, but they will disappear as soon as your session expires or you log out or close the window.
Unlike many database, Sage Journals does not allow you to save, email, download or print full-text articles in batches. If you want to save, email, download, or print the full-text of an article, you have to access the article individually and open up the full-text PDF file in Adobe Reader. In Adobe Reader, hover your mouse cursor over the page and print and save icons will appear on the lower right side.
Once you are logged into your Sage Journals account, you can conduct a search and view options for saving that search, opening/downloading an article and copying/opening citations.
When you click on a search result there is an option for "Cite article."
You have an option to copy the provided citation or Download to a reference manager including: RIS (ProCite, Reference Manager), EndNote, BIbteX, and Medlars and RefWorks.