Primary source for federal and state case law and statutes and law reviews. Company, industry, country, and executive profiles. Newspapers. SUNY Empire Login Required
Archived government policy reports up to 2014. SUNY Empire Login Required
Articles and research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. Includes U.S. and international scholarly journals, trade publications, dissertations, crime reports, and other material. SUNY Empire Login Required
Scholarly articles, government reports, case law, congressional documents, legislation about firearms regulation and legislation in the U.S. SUNY Empire Login Required
1480+ scholarly Taylor & Francis journals (millions of full-text articles) from 1997 to present. SUNY Empire Login Required
Full-text scholarly articles about social science concepts and methods. SUNY Empire Login Required
What are "scholarly" or "peer-reviewed" articles?
How can I find "scholarly" or "peer-reviewed" articles?
Most of our databases offer a feature to limit search results to only articles from scholarly/peer-reviewed journals. If this feature is not visible on the main search screen, look for an advanced search feature.
More information: Scholarly, Popular, and Trade Information Sources