A little about myself: I began working at Empire State University in May 2007, and am now responsible for managing all aspects of our library's reference services, including our local Ask a Librarian service and our global Ask Us 24/7 partnership.
With the goal of introducing students to the variety of library services and resources available to them to advance their education, I coordinate librarian participation at orientations, residencies, and other university events as well as our social media presence. Additionally, I work in collaboration with other student-facing departments across the university to develop and implement university-wide initiatives benefiting our students.
In my life outside of work, I am a writer, a voice-over artist, a singer and musician, and a lover of nature, including camping, hiking, kayaking, gardening, and all manner of critters. Previously, I have worked at the Corinth Free Library, Siena College's Standish Library, and Bay Path University's Hatch Library.
Liaison responsibilities: 1Stop Student Services; Academic Support; AskUs 24/7; New Mentors; Opportunity Programs; Veteran & Military Resource Center; and Student Success
Degrees: B.A. in English, minor in education, and theatre certificate, Siena College; M.S. in information science, M.A. in English, and M.A. in women’s studies, SUNY Albany