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Citing Your Sources: Citation Management Tools

Which citation tool is right for you depends on many factors. If you will be writing only a handful of short papers, the simpler tools may suffice. If you expect to write several lengthier papers, a capstone project or thesis, you will benefit from the more complex tools. This comparison chart may help you choose from the two more complex tools, Mendeley and Zotero. ZoteroBib is a newer and easy-to-use option that still has lots of functionality and flexibility.

The citation tools below are listed in decreasing order of complexity. Mendeley and Zotero are similar and equally full featured, while ZoteroBib and Citation Builder are very simple tools for creating single citations at a time.

Regardless of what tool you use to create your citations, always proofread those citations: output from any machine citation tool can contain errors (for example: capitalization of titles in APA is one commonly made).