Throughout your university education, many of your assignments will be written assignments. There are multiple types of academic writing assignments, each with different expectations for content and style. Ultimately, your instructor sets parameters for each assignment, and you should communicate directly with your instructor if you are unclear about those expectations.
The SUNY Empire Online Writing Support thoroughly explains different Types of Academic Writing and has tutors available online and onsite to help with your writing.
The Online Library provides access to millions of information sources for your research, and the librarians can answer your questions about the research process and guide you to the best sources for your research.
This Research Skills Tutorial is focused primarily on writing assignments involving research. Once you understand the expectations for research writing, your first task will be to define your research topic and question, which will be covered in the next section.
Research Skills Tutorial by the Librarians at SUNY Empire is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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