Maple makes use of shortcut keys as an alternative to some menu selections.
To change the worksheet display zoom factor:
50 % is [ctrl]+0
75 % is [ctrl]+1
100 % is [ctrl]+2
125 % is [ctrl]+3
150 % is [ctrl]+4
200 % is [ctrl]+5
300 % is [ctrl]+6
400 % is [ctrl]+7
Note that the zoom affects only the worksheet portion and not the menus or palettes.
Small toolbar icons are shown by default. Please use these instructions from Maplesoft to display large icons.
Help pages:
Open Maple Help sytem is [ctrl]+F1
Quick Refernce page is [ctrl]+F2
Quick Help is F1
Toggle between Math and Text is F5
Open a file is [ctrl]+o
Create a new Maple document page is [ctrl]+n