Plotting in Maple can be quite easy, particularly using the interactive tools for mathematical expressions. While there are many different types of plots to go with the many fields of mathematics used in science, and engineering, it is best to start with the easy stuff.
The novice Maple user is best served by starting with the interactive plotting capabilities that exist in the context menu. Click this link for an example: plot using the context menu
Once a plot is created, there is an easy context menu for modifying your plots. This next example shows the context menu list and how to add a title to an existing plot. Click this link for an example: modifying the plot
A very useful option in the plot context menu is the ability to rescale the plot axes. Maple will make its best estimate of the range to use for the x-axis and y-axis (and z-axis if 3D), as well as tick-mark placements. Sometimes the user may wish to display a different range. This next example shows plotting 2 equations on 1 plot and the process of rescaling the axes. Click this link for an example: rescaling the axes
How-to Example: Multiple expressions plotted together
How-to Example: Using Plot Builder to graph multiple expressions
How-to Example: pointplot
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